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This website provides information on trademark litigation and proceedings in Germany.
In juridical german "Kennzeichenstreit" means trademark proceedings,
such as third parties trademark opposition, cancellation or revocation requests etc.

All informations of this website are provided by Kanzlei Flick to inform generally about
proceedings before german courts or the german trademark office (DPMA)
The following pages do neither contain any legal advice nor a mandatory relationship
can be effected by using this website. Before taking any action based upon the information
of this site one should ask an attorney for further legal advice.
All mentioned trademarks and signs are property of the titleholders, whose rights are hereby recognized.

a service provided by:
Colonnaden 18
20354 Hamburg

Tel.: 040 - 41 11 34 70

For any comments send us an e-mail.
No spam, please

status: Oktober 2003

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© 2003 Kanzlei Flick Rechtsanwälte